Driveways are subject to a lot of wear and tear. If left unchecked, minor cracks can turn into large potholes, detracting from curb appeal and posing potential safety hazards for pedestrians and vehicles.

Consider resurfacing if your driveway is made of concrete and you see signs of spalling, which is when the surface crumbles in patches. This involves applying a concrete resurfacer mixed with water according to the package instructions and spread over a spalling section of the driveway. Contact Driveway Repair Charles Town WV for professional help.
Patching is the quickest and most cost-effective method of driveway repair. Unlike other options, such as resurfacing and replacing your driveway, patching only involves one or more small sections of the surface that have been damaged. While you may be tempted to try and do the repairs yourself, it is best to hire a professional to patch your driveway for you, as they will have the proper equipment to ensure a good result. They will also be able to determine the type of damage your driveway is experiencing and what the most suitable fix is.
Before you start patching your asphalt driveway, it is important to prepare the area by cleaning away any loose debris or asphalt fragments. You should also heat up the area with a flame torch to help bond the patching material. This will also help the patch last longer. If you do not have a flame torch, you can use a heat gun or other heating device. Make sure that you do not overheat the area though, as this can cause the asphalt to crack and crumble.
After the area has been prepared, you can fill the potholes with cold asphalt patch. There are many different types of asphalt patch, but the Aquaphalt is the best choice. It is easy to use and offers the highest level of resistance to shear and penetration. It is also the best option if you need to repair an edge or a built up curb as it can be used with a wide range of aggregate sizes.
Aside from filling in potholes, asphalt patch is also ideal for repairing cracked surfaces and other minor flaws. It can be used to cover small craters caused by car tires or minor spalling (horizontal peeling of the concrete). Aside from hiding these imperfections, it can also add a decorative element to your driveway.
Depending on the condition of your driveway, you might want to consider resurfacing instead of patching or replacing it entirely. Generally, resurfacing will cost more than patching or replacing, but it can save you money in the long run by extending the life of your driveway.
Repairing Cracks
The best way to deal with cracks in a concrete driveway is to repair them promptly rather than wait until they get worse. This is especially important since cracks filled with water can freeze and expand as the cold weather arrives, causing the cracks to widen further and possibly damaging the entire driveway.
It’s possible to fix cracks in a concrete driveway with a patching compound or liquid concrete crack filler that you can purchase at most home improvement centers, but it’s a good idea to call in a professional contractor for larger cracks or holes. A professional can also tell you the cause of the cracks, which will help you determine whether the repairs you make will last or just delay a bigger job.
For cracks less than half an inch in width, a concrete crack filler that is self-leveling will work well. These products are designed for small cracks, such as those caused by shrinkage of the concrete after it was poured. To use this product, first clean the crack and then prepare it by forcing flexible backer rod into the crack to reinforce it. Next, apply the crack filler using a trowel, making sure to get it as deep into the crack as possible and smoothing it out with a sponge. After the crack is filled, let it dry for the recommended amount of time before applying a sealant to keep moisture out and your repairs looking nice.
If your concrete driveway has large cracks or holes that are more than half an inch in width, it’s likely a sign of a structural problem. If you want to make these repairs, you’ll need to use a concrete patching mixture or concrete filler and pour it into the cracks. Again, you’ll need to prepare the area by thoroughly cleaning it with a broom or blower to ensure that your repair material adheres properly and is not damaged by dirt or other debris.
When you’re ready to begin the repair process, choose a sunny day so that your patch or filler will warm up and soften. Then, choose a spot that’s free of any weeds or old driveway crack filler and clear away any weeds or dirt. Mix your chosen sealant according to its instructions, mist the driveway to wet it, and then pour a ribbon of filler along the cracks.
Raising Sunken Sections
A sunken driveway is more than just unsightly; it can also pose tripping hazards and collect water, leading to further damage. Depending on the extent of the sinking, there are several different methods for repairing it. The most common is mudjacking, but foam injection and resurfacing are also options. Each method has its pros and cons, so it’s important to decide what is best for your situation.
Before starting any repairs, make sure the damaged area is clean. This will help the patching materials adhere properly and prevent dirt from seeping in through cracks. It’s also helpful to remove any objects that are lying on the surface, like rocks or toys. If you notice any oil or grease stains on the concrete, they should be cleaned as well, since these can degrade the repair material over time.
Some sunken sections of a driveway may be caused by soil erosion, poor compaction during construction, or natural settling of the earth. These areas can be repaired by drilling holes and pumping a material underneath the concrete to lift it back into place. This method is called slabjacking.
This technique is less expensive than replacing the entire driveway, but it is not permanent and will likely need to be repeated over time. It is best for small to medium-sized areas of sinking.
Resurfacing is another option, but it won’t address any problems that led to the sinking in the first place. It can hide some damage, but it will not fix drainage issues or fill in voids under the concrete. Unless these issues are addressed, the sinking will return.
If your concrete is sinking in the middle of the driveway, it may be more economical to replace the entire driveway. This is more cost-effective than mudjacking or foam injection and can be done in one day.
While it’s possible to try to fix a sinking driveway yourself, it is often best to leave the work to a professional. Trying to level a concrete driveway without the proper tools and training can lead to further damage and even injury.
Smoothing Out Rough Edges
Asphalt can be difficult to get perfectly smooth, and wear and tear from vehicles and weather will leave behind a rough surface. Filling holes, repairing cracks and applying sealer can help smooth out the asphalt and make it look new again. Resealing your driveway is an easy project that can improve its appearance for years, and also protect it from further damage.
To resurface your concrete driveway, first clean the area thoroughly and remove any debris. Then, use a hand sander or an orbital sander with coarse-grit sandpaper to sand the rough areas until they are flush with the rest of the pavement. You may need to do several passes with the sander to achieve the desired results.
Once the area is sanded, apply a concrete driveway repair product to any cracks or sunken sections of the pavement. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and drying times. If the sunken section of the driveway is large, you may need to add a bit more repair material before sanding it down.
Grease and oil stains are another common problem that can mar the appearance of concrete pavement, especially on a driveway. If left untreated, these stains can penetrate and weaken the concrete, which may eventually crack and crumble. To treat grease or oil stains, spray the concrete with a commercial cleaner, such as ACT Microbial Concrete Cleaner (available at many hardware stores). Then, brush it into the surface of the driveway with a utility broom and rinse the concrete thoroughly.
Edge cracking on a concrete driveway is often caused by excessive pressure on the pavement edges. This can be caused by heavy loads, frequent turning and cornering, or freeze-thaw cycles. To prevent edge cracking, apply a concrete crack sealant to existing small edge cracks to prevent water infiltration and further deterioration. For severe edge cracking, resurfacing the entire driveway may be necessary.