Workshop Aziendale are training sessions that improve various aspects of your business, from employee well-being to team building. They also serve as an effective strategy for preventing burnout and increasing productivity.

They offer a range of learning activities such as role-playing, group discussions, hands-on exercises, and lectures to engage attendees. This diversity ensures that they are learning in ways that resonate with their needs.
Strengths Finder is an assessment developed by Gallup that identifies an individual’s natural talents and strengths. It is a useful tool for personal development, leadership training, and team building. The assessment takes about 30 minutes and consists of 177 paired statements that measure and score talents, thinking patterns, feelings, and behavior. The individual then receives a personalized report that highlights their top five strengths and describes how they can be used for success.
The strengths identified through Strengths Finder can be useful for any career, but it is particularly helpful for leaders and their teams. It helps them understand how their unique strengths can be used to drive performance in their roles and creates a more positive work environment. It also helps them develop a more effective feedback process for their team members, enabling them to build a more productive workplace.
While there are a number of different tools that can help individuals become more self-aware, the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment is one of the most widely used. It is a 30-minute online assessment that measures an individual’s talents, strengths, and weaknesses. It includes 34 theme pairs that identify natural patterns for thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Once you have a better understanding of your strengths, it’s important to put them into action. For example, if you have the Strength of Woo, you might use your enthusiasm and energy to make connections with new people. You can also use your creativity to come up with new ideas and solutions.
A strengths-based approach to leadership is becoming increasingly popular in the business world. It involves coaching leaders based on their talents, rather than trying to change their natural styles. It also encourages team members to pair up with complementary strengths, which can lead to more effective and productive outcomes.
When you’re running a workshop, it’s essential to have the right tools to engage your participants and keep them interested. Engagement tools allow you to quickly poll attendees, run quizzes and visualize responses. They’re ideal for remote or virtual sessions, and can be a great way to get a feel for how your audience is responding to your questions.
Inner Child
If you were abused or neglected as a child, your inner child may still be carrying feelings of fear and anxiety. Inner child work is a therapeutic technique that helps adults connect with this part of themselves and heal past traumas.
When your inner child is triggered, you might notice behavior that doesn’t feel like you. For example, you might get irritable easily and snap at people around you. Or you might feel anxious and overwhelmed at work, even though your job is relatively easy. These behaviors could be signs that you are being triggered by your inner child.
In this workshop, you will learn to identify and honor your inner child’s perception of their own experiences without filtering or correcting them. You will also explore ways to support your inner child’s well-being in the present. This process can be very powerful and healing. But you must be prepared to dig into painful emotions and experiences that you might have tried to hide or ignore as a child. It is important to work with a mental health professional who has experience in trauma-informed care and can help you navigate the process safely, Dr. O’Shea Brown says.
While the idea of going back to your childhood and retracing past trauma can be scary, it is important for adults to do this to overcome codependency and break free from destructive patterns. In a corporate setting, doing this work can lead to better relationships with others and increased self-esteem and happiness.
Inner child work can be done alone or with a therapist. However, it is important to find a therapist who has experienced this type of therapeutic work. It’s also helpful to have a therapist who can provide you with a safe environment for exploring your emotions.
If you are curious about trying inner child work, you can ask your therapist about their approach or read some self-help books on the topic. If you are worried about re-traumatizing yourself, consider working with a therapist who specializes in trauma and trauma-informed care. If you are ready to begin this healing journey, Harley Therapy can match you with a therapist who is experienced in inner child work in three London locations or online therapy.
Know Your Purpose
In order for a business to be successful, it needs to have a clear purpose. This can be difficult for a business to define, but it is important to ensure that the purpose is authentic and meaningful for the employees and customers alike. Having a strong purpose can make a huge difference in employee engagement and brand loyalty. It can also help a company to create innovative products and services that are more relevant to consumers. In this workshop, participants will learn how to align their individual higher purpose with the organization’s higher purpose for greater impact and success.
Using a 360 purpose model, this workshop will explore the different dimensions of purpose and how they relate to your business. You will start by describing your current purpose and then identify the different stakeholders. You can then write down the priorities of these stakeholders on the back of the sheet. This can include your employees obviously, but it could also be the wider community that you serve, your clients or customers, investors and even other stakeholder groups in your industry.
Then, you will take a look at your vision for the future and what you want to accomplish. Lastly, you will use your strengths and passions to identify how you can bring this purpose to life in the workplace. This will be the basis for your new purpose statement.
At the end of the workshop, be sure to thank everyone for their participation. Let them know that you will be sharing the finalised purpose statement with them as soon as it’s ready. This will help to keep them invested and motivated in the new direction that the company is taking.
A corporate workshop is a great way to motivate your team and inspire them to achieve their goals. By introducing these workshops into your training programs, you can boost productivity and make your team more effective and satisfied. The key is to choose the right topic and select a professional facilitator to lead the session. Choosing an expert in the field will ensure that the workshop is well-organized and successful.
Decision Making
Decision making is a complex process that involves weighing various factors and considering different possibilities. It requires an awareness of your own biases, which may affect the choices you make. The best way to make decisions is with a clear understanding of the issues involved, and this workshop will teach you how to identify the right tools to make the most effective choices.
Business decision-making is a vital component of managing a company, and it can be very challenging. Whether it’s choosing an executive team or navigating a complex market landscape, the choices you make can have major consequences for the organization. It is essential to have a defined decision-making process to ensure that the choices you make are aligned with your company’s goals and objectives.
Step 1: Articulate the decision you need to make. This is the first step in any decision-making process and should be completed before proceeding to any other steps. It is important to be as specific as possible so that everyone on your team can understand and agree upon the decision that needs to be made.
Step 2: Gather all relevant information. This includes the background of the situation, what needs to be done and why, as well as any other information you might need to make your choice. This information should be organized and prioritized, so that you can evaluate and choose your options carefully.
Step 3: Brainstorm potential solutions. This is a key step in the decision-making process, and it helps to be creative in this process. Try to think outside the box and brainstorm ideas that may not be conventional, but are still effective. This can be a great opportunity to engage your team members and get their input.
Step 4: Consider the risks associated with each option. This is an important step because it allows you to minimize any negative outcomes and maximize the benefits of your choice. You can also create contingency plans to address any potential problems that might arise.